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Ipil/Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao, Philippines
I wish more people felt that photography was an adventure the same as life itself and felt that their individual feelings were worth expressing. To me, that makes photography more exciting & Passion is in all great searches and is necessary to all creative endeavors.

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How to achieve great results when shooting video with a DSLR.

How to achieve great results when shooting video with a DSLR.

Knowing the advantages and limitations of DSLR cameras, when it comes to video recording, will help you achieve great results with some practice and preparation. Make sure you take into account the following tips when and before starting to shoot video with a DSLR:

- Set the ISO of the camera at a low value to avoid unwanted grain.

- Take advantage of the shallow depth of field when possible.Try to learn how to use manual focus, as auto focus might be a source of problems if you shoot with a shallow depth of field.

- Set the shutter speed manually at a value of 1/50s, especially if you shoot at 24 frames per second and increase the shutter speed only if you have fast action or if you record at more frames per second.

- Set the white balance manually. Make sure you make the correct settings because correcting the white balance after you shoot the video, is a lot more difficult than with still images.

- Always take a static shot of 3-4 seconds before you start moving the camera and shoot at least 15 seconds in every clip you record. Also, it would be a good idea to shoot a 3-4 seconds static shot at the end of the clip, as this will make your editing more easy.

- Do not shoot vertically. Even if you turn the clip during editing, it will look weird and you will not be able to view the movie in full frame, on a TV.

- Use an external microphone to record the audio if you want a high quality video, because the built in microphone of the camera will provide you with noisy results.

- When recording a moving subject try to focus on the position it wil move into, not where it is.

- Try to frame everything properly, as this is one of the most important aspects in filming.

- Get a fluid head tripod. It will allow you to make smooth pans and tilts with your camera.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Macro Ants

The Garden of Eve

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